Sunday, August 3, 2014

Here's our schedule

Today, I would like to start by thanking you for the kind feedback I have received recently.  It is nice to know you are out there reading this!
For this post, I would like to write about the schedule of President Warne and I.  We often have missionaries ask, “So what exactly do you do all day?”  It is true our time is spent very differently from the schedule the missionaries must follow.  Also, obviously, we don’t do the same things every day or even every week.  Hopefully a short glimpse into what  we do will prove interesting.
Last week, for example we had cambios or transfers.  On Monday morning of each cambio, President interviews the missionaries who are leaving.  We have a nice lunch, a testimony meeting (our favorite part), and then we take a group to the airport.  On Tuesday, the new missionaries arrive and President does an initial interview with each one.  I stay busy offering them breakfast, and making sure each one gets to his interview.  We have a couple of hours of training and orientation, then lunch and they are off to their sectors with their new companions/trainers.  Wednesday, we started interviews, since August is the month for that.  We did the San Fernando zone in two days because it is so large.  We always bring a treat; this time it is marshmallow popcorn balls which they all seemed to enjoy.  While President is interviewing, I review the English progress for Latin missionaries and try to visit at least a little with each missionary.  The assistants also do training during that time so we often have lunch with them on interview days.  Friday was consejo or leadership council, a monthly meeting for zone leaders and coordinadoras or sister training leaders.  Since many come from far away we offer breakfast: this time it was zucchini or blueberry bread, fruit, and chocolate milk.  Training goes from 10 to 1:30, then lunch and they are off back to their sectors or areas.  Saturday is our P-Day, although President does not often actually take the day off because he has letters to read (250 per week!) or other issue to deal with.  Saturday nights we go to a baptism, and Sunday we attend a different branch each Sunday although we often start in one place and end in another because of different interviews the President needs to have.  The rest of this month we will be traveling to the various zones to have interviews.  With other obligations, such as the coordinadora meeting this Friday, and a temple trip with the missionaries leaving in September, the month is full.

Each night we are exhausted, and each day we get up ready to go again.  It is a privilege and a blessing to be serving the Lord in Chile together with these wonderful missionaries, senior couples and each other. 
Brand new coordinadoras: they'll be great

Trainers for the new missionaries--some of our best!

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