We did training for our new missionaries this week and also started our zone conferences. Each conference includes two to three zones so there are from 30-52 missionaries at each one. We go over training topics to help the missionaries improve their techniques and their knowledge of the gospel. In many of our meetings we have the missionaries do practical exercises to apply the things that they learn. This round of conferences included topics on the Book of Mormon, how to teach repentance, dress standards for the summer (yes it is starting to be summer here!!!!), health, language study, working with less active members and other current topics.
After the zone conference we always have a lunch since most are too far from their areas to go back and eat. This time we had a game after lunch where they were challenged to show their knowledge of Preach My Gospel (our manual for how to do missionary work), the Missionary Handbook (the standards for missionaries and other important topics) and the scriptures. This picture above show the game in progress.
We sent four missionaries home this week and had 28 more arrive so we continue to grow. That puts us at 290 right now but it ends with this transfer as the goal is to get us down to 250 missionaries (which is the ideal maximum size for a mission) by sometime next year so our numbers will slowly decline.
We are focused on three groups of people in our missionary work-those who want to know about the church, those who recently joined and those who aren't currently active. We are seeing wonderful blessings with increasing numbers in each group every week. This is bringing strength to the branches and wards and more are receiving the blessings of the temple. More on these three groups later.
Have a wonderful week. Thanks for your love and prayers.
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